Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Beginnings

I love Spring.  It is filled with reminders of New Life, New Beginnings.  Although we are not in Spring quite yet, the warmth of the past few days have held out the promise of brighter days.  As I watch the new kids play in the yard with their mothers and each other, I think of planting and baby chicks, and the joy of New Life.

My mother has always referred to gardening as therapeutic.  For a great portion of my life, I did not have any clue as to what she meant.  But for the past few years, God has tended to my soul as I have played in the dirt, tended to hens, fed the goats, and held piglets. 

It is hard to explain.  Participating in the most basic things of life feeds my soul.  Maybe it goes all the way back to Genesis.  In Genesis 2:15 "The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it."  In Genesis 1, He gave man dominion over the animals.  I wonder if that is why I feel especially close to God when I am doing those things.  When I feel disconnected and out of sorts, I can always head out to the barn and God is there, waiting for me.  It is there that I can imagine walking with the Lord God in the cool of the day.

I am glad that Spring is just around the corner.

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