I have been in the market for a spacious, 6 foot tall dog kennel because our female Great Pyrenees should be going in heat soon. The more I shopped the more I became convinced that this would be a big expense. When I was able to find them on craigslist, they also wanted top dollar. Finally, I found a great one with 84 sq ft and 6 ft high at dogkennels.com for only $250. The lowest price that I found for a rusted one on craigslist was $160. With $5 shipping and no sales tax, this is far better that I can get at any local retailer. I ordered on Saturday and it is promised on Wednesday. Not bad.
As I began to think of ways that I can use the kennel for more than a couple of weeks a year, I realized that this is a perfect set up for a small chicken flock. The 6 ft height will minimize your hens flying over it and bothering neighbors and will offer great protection from predators. The 84 sq feet area offers plenty of room for free ranging.
I have found that four hens can live quite comfortably in a large dog house. They will utilize it for laying eggs and shelter during inclement weather. When the weather is good, they will roost on the top. I have found good prices on dog houses at Walmart and Big Lots.
The added benefit of using the dog kennel for chicken housing is that in the event that you decide chickens are not for you, you can use the kennel and house for other purposes. You could even put it around your garden with netting on top to keep critters out. And as I discussed earlier, you can recoup most of your investment on craigslist.
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