There some myths about composting that probably need to be cleared up: composting is smelly and compost attracts vermin. Neither of these are true. It is only true if you compost incorrectly. You just want to be sure to keep meat and dairy products out of your compost.
Here is what you can compost:
Paper towels, cardboard rolls, cereal boxes, brown paper bags, shredded newspapers, etc
Fruits and vegetables
Coffee grounds and filters, tea and tea bags
Dryer and vacuum cleaner lint
Crushed eggshells (but not eggs)
Fireplace ashes
Grass clippings, yard trimmings, leaves, hay and straw
Hair and fur
Nut shells
Wood chips, sawdust, etc.
Animal manure (not pet waste)
Do not compost:
Meat, fish, egg or poultry scraps
Fats, grease, or oils
Dairy products
Coal or charcoal ash
Diseased plants
Anything treated with pesticides
A word about composting chicken droppings. There is no manure more desired for the vegetable garden than chicken manure. But, is important to let your chicken droppings compost for 6-9 months. Chicken droppings are very high in nitrogen and need to be fully composted or the nitrogen will burn your plants. Don't let this scare you away. The high nitrogen and other nutrients are the reason that chicken manure compost is the best kind of manure to use. Composting chicken manure will mellow the nitrogen. To compost it is easy. Use the bedding from your own chickens. Take the used bedding and put it into a compost bin. Water it thoroughly and turn it every few weeks to get air into the pile. Once composted, this is indeed a miracle growing mixture.
You probably want to invest in a composter. I found a great deal on a composter (link below). You can pay more, but it really is not necessary. The reviews on this one are good and you want to keep your expenses down at first. Great, reasonably priced composters can also be found at Gardener's Supply, using the link below will save you money!!
Great composters deals can also be found at
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